Finally February!
Finally we are in February! January has been very eventful… Let’s start february on our right foot. Let’s start by showing ourselves and our family members love and empathy. We all go though hard times, but the hard times are not forever. Things might seem bleak, but let us not fall into despair lets seek small comforts to ease ourselves and our loved ones. Here are some solo self care tips:
Movie and bookstore date: Arrive 30 minutes before and browse the bookstore and just take my time. Make the outing and event, dress up and just have fun in your own company.
Spa day: This one can be in your house or actually going to a spa (I participate in both). Take time out of your schedule to make yourself feel pretty or nice. If you look good on the outside it helps with your inside. When taking a spa day at home don’t forget to use isel beauty 😉✨.
Cook/Bake: There’s nothing better than trying out a new recipe and having fun with it. Explore your taste buds and your culinary skills.
Movement: This can be a dance party (ala Grays Anatomy), yoga, walking, etc. Just move your body and appreciate what it can do and the endless possibilities of what it will do.
Loved ones self-care tips:
Enjoy a nice meal: Ask to go out for brunch or dinner and make it an event. Agree to a dress code, or a random item, have fun with it.
Spa day: While a solo spa day is relaxing when you do it with friends and family it becomes fun. Face masks and DIY items makes it worthwhile.
Tourism: You can do this locally or internationally, but there’s nothing better than to travel with friends and family and explore something new together.
Coffee/tea time: Show up or invite your loved ones to enjoy a small chat and show up for each other.
Dont allow the noise get in the way of your life and loved ones. Enjoy it and make the most of it.
Con amor 💖,