Papaya Worldwide Overview
Isel Beauty is a skincare company based in Puerto Rico. What does that mean regarding the weather and crops? Therefore our seasons are not what is normally observed worldwide; we have three seasons (Rainy season, dry season and hurricane season). In those three seasons almost every tropical vegetable and fruit can flourish, sometimes in more quantity, sometimes in less and sometimes crops get mangled (thank you hurricane season).
- Rainy Season – April through November.
- Dry Season – December through March.
- Hurricane Season – June to November.
We can observe that the peak papaya season for Puerto Rico is from May to September (between the rainy and hurricane season), we can still have some papaya in non peak papaya season, there are less quantities but there are still some. That is why I can consume papaya year round.
Now as a thought experiment lets look into a few places that papaya can be grown:
Let’s start by looking at the USA. We can see that the papaya growth in Hawaii, a tropical state in the Pacific, and Florida; their peak seasons are the same as in Puerto Rico May to September. Most of the papaya in the USA comes from Hawaii.
We can also observe that in Asia many places have papaya growth; China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines (to name a few). Where it is mostly grown is in Taiwan, we can see them in Tainan County, Pingtung County and Kaohsiung County. Its peak seasons are: July to November.
Now the Superstar of the continents for papaya growth: South America. South America has a lot of countries that grow Papaya; Brazil and Belize being on the top. Brazil can be seen at its peak season: August to October.
Con amor 💖,